Frequently Asked Questions

False Positive Alerts
We have a lot of automation that monitors the endpoints and infrastructure assets that we manage 24/7/365. Sometimes, we get an alert for an issue that turns out not to be an issue.

Anytime we get an alert a trouble ticket is automatically generated so that we can track an issue.

Some issues are automatically resolved.
Others require our direct interaction to resolve.
Some are just a false alert.

When this occurs, we flag that ticket as a false positive and close it so that it isn't reflected as an actual issue and skew our issue tracking data.
We try to keep our false positives to a minimum as that means you're getting a notification for something that isn't an issue and we are as well.

False positives are investigated to determine the root cause of the false positive and action may be taken to adjust our automation processes to reduce the likelihood of a false positive of this type in the future.

 Last updated 05/29/2020 8:33 am

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