Frequently Asked Questions

New Weather app in Windows 10 Taskbar in Chinese

New Weather app in Windows 10 Taskbar in Chinese

This is a known issue.  I haven't encountered it myself before but the issue has been logged in reddit and a few other places on the internet.  There was a PowerShell command to fix it but the PowerShell command also sets execution to unrestricted which is not recommended by us.  It also didn't work when I tried it.  However, disabled and renabling the weather app from within the taskbar settings did.

Right click taskbar.  Hover on the option in the pop up content menu that says "News and Interests" , Click "Turn off" to check that option.  Repeat and choose Show Icon and Text to enable the feature again.  This appears to have resolved the issue using this process.

 Last updated 06/11/2021 7:21 am

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